Growth and Innovation

Fragmentation Disrupts Growth and Innovation

Speed to Intelligence
Speed to Intelligence

Applied Intelligence is about hyper-relevance and enabling enterprises to do things differently and do different things. It’s our approach to embedding AI, automation and analytics at the core of the enterprise to break down silos and create more agile and adaptive processes, enable better decision making, and empower businesses to identify and capture completely new opportunities.

Speed to Resilience
Speed to Resilience


Strategic, Market, Credit, Operational, Reputational

Uncertainty (illustrative examples):

Natural disasters Price collapse Politically-driven Country default Loss of critical systems Reputational event Pandemic event

Speed to Scale
Speed to Scale

Flex to support critical in-flight services or deliver new IT projects: Skilled resources – people and infrastructure – are critical for business resilience.

For example, cloud can make companies resilient in the short term by navigating through extreme surges or drops in demand.

Strategy and Operation

Fragmentation Demands Strategic and Operational Realignment

Speed to Confidence

Secure your customers, people and systems wherever they are: In a global crisis, resilient systems must be ready to counter the bad actors who will inevitably seek to take advantage

While moving quickly to enable the remote workforce, it is very important to address the right security protocols and solutions to mitigate risk.

Speed to Confidence

Speed to Ease

Quickly resolve critical systems availability & performance issues:

Architecture and performance engineering can help improve systems resilience by rapidly scaling applications and resolving performance constraints. When critical systems are under stress, it causes of degradation and execute a “get well” plan to remediate as fast as possible without causing new issues.

Speed to Ease

Cost and Complexity

Fragmentation can Generate Multiple Operational Challenges

Speed to Savings

Shift fixed-cost base to variable – aligns with efforts to simplify processes and systems, standardize products and enable ‘IT-as-a-Service’ [save ~ 20% or more and free-up cash].

Optimize asset positions to enable a faster shift to new business models, by making bold and timely changes (often at the balance-sheet level).

Speed to Value

The failure to convert the possibilities created by new technologies into activities in the real-world results (e.g., profits, cash flow) is ‘Trapped Value’.

Enterprise Trapped Value exists when an economic opportunity is visible, yet currently unreachable (i.e., it cannot be unlocked by existing business models and capabilities).

Intelligent Customer Engagement